Call for Projects: October 1 Deadline

The Pew Center for Civic Journalism is inviting news organizations to apply for funding to help involve citizens in reporting on public issues. Eligible to apply are newspaper, television and radio stations. The Pew Center is particularly interested in media partnerships committed to working together on an initiative.

The Pew Center is seeking to help news organizations introduce the techniques of civic journalism to their newsrooms and their communities. The center helped to support 17 projects this year. Funded activities have included sampling citizen issues through polling or focus groups, fostering discussion and debate of issues in town meetings or other forums, using coordinators for community outreach.

The deadline for entries is Oct. 1, 1996. To receive a copy of the funding guidelines, call the Pew Center. Proposals should be outlined in a three- to five-page letter on letterhead, with the contact person clearly identified. They should be sent to the Pew Center, 1101 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Suite 420, Washington, D.C. 20036.

Call Jan Schaffer for more information. 202-331-3200.

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