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This area is designed to give you answers about Democracy Place, including:

* Listening to Democracy Place audio files.
* Participating in the discussion group.

If you have additional questions about our services, please contact us at

Audio Files

Do you have a sound card installed in your computer? If so, you can probably listen to our audio files very easily. The .au file format is a common one, and recent versions of many Web browsers are already configured to play .au files.

If your Web browser doesn't recognize this file type, try using Netscape instead. Or download one of these audio players, uncompress it, install it, and configure your browser to choose it to play .au files:

For Windows: Windows Play Any.

For Mac: Sound Machine 2.1.

Online Discussion

Democracy Place's ongoing discussion group is a "listserv" discussion, called the CITIZEN list. People participate in the discussion by sending e-mail, which is processed and distributed automatically to the rest of the group by a software application called the "listserver."

The messages to the list are archived by the listserver, and you can browse through the archives now.

Then join the discussion by sending an e-mail request to the listserver. If you have more than one e-mail address, be sure to subscribe from the address where you wish to receive your mail.

Your subscription request must be sent to:

In the body of the message, write:

For example:

You will receive a "welcome" file which explains how to remove yourself from the list - please save this file for future reference. You will also begin to receive the postings from the discussion list in your e-mail box.

If you wish to post a message to the list, send your message to:, and it will automatically be distributed to everyone else on the list.

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