Virginia voters have spoken. And what they seem to be saying to Republicans in the Old Dominion and on Capitol Hill is slow down. Billed as a referendum on local and national GOP agendas, the Virginia election ended with democrats losing ground, but not control. WHRO-TV producer Chris Dickon joins us for press club and citizens listserv discussions on the implications of ths vote. See you there!
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(au format; 88
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Every house and senate seat in the Virginia General Assembly was up for grabs in the November 7 election. Because this vote had the potential of changing the balance of power in Richmond from the Democrats to the Republicans, the Virginia assembly election was said to be the most important in this century.
Before the election WHRO joined with other community organizations to bring together voters to discuss the state's future, the problems Virginia faces, and what they want from those who represent them in Richmond. Here's a sample of their community discussion. You'll discover their concerns don't sound so different from your own.
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