Issue of the Week
Land use issues, such as population growth, economic vitality and
natural resource conservation, are of great concern in many communities
across the country. Here's a sample of how the issue is playing in
Madison, Wisconsin and Portland, Oregon.
The "Search for Common Ground"
is brought to you by the "We the People" media coalition in Wisconsin,
including Wisconsin Public Television and the Wisconsin State Journal.
Do We Love Farms to Death?
Urban sprawl in Ozaukee County. A feature story by Art Hackett.
The Choice: High Density or Urban
Sprawl--Portland Area Gets Creative to Control Growth
By Dee Hall, Wisconsin State Journal.
Click here
for a sampling of opinion on the related issue of property rights.
Is land use or property rights an
important issue in your
community? If so, write us at
democracy@soundprint.org or click on the envelope and tell us your story.
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