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American democracy shows symptoms of a profound mid-life crisis. Voter participation is anemic. Public discourse has become feverish, testy and mean spirited. The body politic disintegrates into warring interest groups. American citizenship is stricken with a migraine brought on by fears of illegal immigration, race conflict and crime. The concept of the public good has become infected with a virus of unbridled self-interest. Governance is becoming paralyzed, because the electorate views political leaders as ethical amnesiacs addicted to power. Do these symptoms spell a momentary identity crisis, permanent malaise, or the beginning of a systematic breakdown? Producer Bill Drummond explores causes and possible cures for what analysts describe as a corrosive cynicism that threatens to undermine American politics.

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Democracy Code Blue: On-line Resources

Voter Resources:
MIT Political Participation Project
A research project investigating the role of computer networks on the U.S. political process, including resources related to on-line political participation.
The C-SPAN gopher server includes a Government Resource Center, with information about federal government institutions and political candidates.
Federal Government Information:
The Library of Congress
As well as library catalogs and on-line exhibits, the LOC Internet servers offer federal and state government information.
Offers the full text of The Congressional Record, reviews of "hot" legislation, and directory information for the U.S. Congress.
U.S. House of Representatives
Directory information, committees, and schedules for the House, plus documents from individual Representatives.
U.S. Senate
Similar information for the Senate.
The White House
Background information and updates from the executive branch, including the President and Vice President, the Cabinet and independent government agencies and commissions.
Connections to government agencies from the National Technical Information Service.
Federal Information Center
A good starting point for government information, when you're not sure where to start! Operated by the General Services Administration.
State and Local Governments
List of State Government Information Services
Find out if your local government operates an on-line information service.

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