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December 12, 1995

In New Hampshire, presidential politics unfolds like nowhere else in the country -- except for maybe Iowa. What happens in the Granite State is often referred to as retail politics: candidates seeking their party's nomination and the public's approval in the nation's first primary, attending small events, finding themselves, at times, in living rooms crammed in with a handful of interested voters sipping coffee and eating sugar cookies. The People's Voice Partners in New England have seized on this longstanding tradition of accessibility with a series of forums in which voters in Derry are asking questions of the people who want to be president. Senator Phil Gramm (R-TX) visits Democracy Place, USA this week. WBUR is on at the Radio Station, and read about the Senator's November 18th forum in The Boston Globe. It's just down the block at the Newsstand.

Senator Phil Gramm is questioned by Derry, New Hampshire residents.

*December 6, 1995

Bosnia. The word alone conjures up images of some of the worst atrocities committed, so far, this decade, if not since World War Two. In the midst of this conflict, 20 thousand U. S. servicemen and women will be working to keep the peace as part of a much larger NATO force. President Clinton is in Paris for the signing of the Dayton Accords, while Congress debates the merits of an operation that is already well underway. The Republican leaders on Capitol Hill tell us any measure that passes will offer only qualified support for the mission. Yet, when National Public Radio sent Alex Chadwick to a rural county in West Virginia, he found Americans in this part of the country had pretty much made up their minds about our role in this potentially dangerous part of the world. Their deep thought and consideration of the issues in this complex situation transcends the inside-the-beltway discussion that seems rooted in partisan politics. It is a refreshing reminder of the intelligence and compassion that weaves its way down Main Street. Here at Democracy Place, USA, you can listen to the voices of West Virginia at the radio station. You are invited to share your thoughts and begin an online discussion at the Cafe. The coffee is hot, the conversation should be hotter.

*November 29, 1995

It's rough going for the American dream in Derry, New Hampshire. Democracy Place, USA continues to spend time with the residents of this middle class town near the Massachusetts border. At the radio station, WBUR-FM introduces us to teen moms who are trying to beat the odds. At the Newsstand, The Boston Globe continues the story of Derry, New Hampshire from last week. In this second edition, The Globe looks at the local economy and concerns over education.

*November 22, 1995

Voices of Florida

Senator Bob Dole is riding high following his victory in the Florida Straw Poll on November 17-18. So much for the update on the horse race -- now let's get back to what the Voices of Florida had to say in the days leading up to the poll. WUSF-FM, an NPR Election Project Station, wraps up its series on voters and the issues they are concerned about. For background, WUSF Producer Bobbie O'Brien is on the citizen's and journalist's listserv. The fine work of this Tampa radio station can be heard on your radio station, right here in Democracy Place, USA.

*November 10, 1995

As goes Virginia so goes the nation. It may seem a bit of a stretch, but in the days preceding the Virginia elections, Republican Governor George Allen made it clear: the upcoming vote was to be a referendum on his conservative agenda, an agenda that GOP leaders from Richmond to Washington were willing to endorse. See and hear what the voters had to say before election day. Thanks to WHRO-TV for this information.

November 3, 1995

Juvenile Violence

The following is a community discussion guideline on the subject of juvenile violence. Our thanks to the Civic Practices Network for providing this information. This material is a continuation of a discussion topic started last week.

*October 27, 1995

What Should be Done about Juvenile Violence?

Common GroundOctober 20, 1995

The Search for Common Ground

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